360° Logistic

Perspectives on issues that are reshaping supply chain.

Latest articles from FM Logistic


Change management: driving success for cobots and robots in warehouses

A recent FM Logistic’s case-study shows that although technology…

On January 22, 2019


Blockchain in the supply chain: a logistics director’s guide

1 million deaths prevented each year; 31% cheaper exports; $10…

On December 3, 2018

Supply Chain Performance
Supply Chain Performance

The new supply chain revolution: using digital technologies to design more eco-friendly, efficient and safer logistics

As with everything in our universe, the new supply chain revolution…

On November 13, 2018


Supply chain 4.0: how to make sense of data?

Big Data is definitely shaking business processes! Huge amount…

On June 15, 2018


The phygital on a pedestal

Yes, the agility and resilience of the retailing players are continuously…

On June 15, 2018

Supply Chain Performance
Supply Chain Performance

Bringing on the sharing chain!

Airbnb, Uber, BlaBlaCar … the collaborative economy is changing…

On June 8, 2018


Physical internet: the network of the future

Imagine a universal network for logistics operations, shared by…

On June 8, 2018


Technologies shaping the future

Soon, the world as we know it will only be the memory of another…

On June 8, 2018

Consumer and market trends
Consumer and market trends

Customisation: how Blédina counts on the supply chain to create unique meal boxes

Meeting the expectations of young, active and 100% connected parents…

On April 27, 2018

Consumer and market trends
Consumer and market trends

Packaging : how to improve the customer experience?

Consumers and pet food brands have been focused on ingredients…

On April 26, 2018


Connected packaging: the new lever to upgrade customer experience

In Europe, 9 out of 10 consumers (1) juggle between the different…

On April 23, 2018


From trade promotion to innovation, how does co-packing meet the new challenges of phygital?

Every year around the world, nearly $ 500 billion (1) is spent…

On April 22, 2018

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